Local sourcing in floating wind : a case study
NAWEA - Windtech 2019On the First Large Scale Polyamide Rope Permanent Mooring
FAID 2019Investigation on the Use of a Passive Nonlinear Absorber for the Reduction of Vibration in the Mast of a Floating Offshore Wind Turbine
INTER NOISE 2019Ideol’s french and japanese demonstrators, a necessary stepping stone on the way to commercial-scale projects
FOWT 2019Bankability and prototype testing: the necessity of floating wind turbine demonstration and full-scale testing
FOWT 2018Control optimization for the Floatgen wind turbine : from paper into reality
FOWT 2018Performance and mooring qualification in Floatgen : the first french offshore wind turbine project
GRAND RENEWABLE ENERGY 2018Coupled analysis and numerical model verification for the 2 MW Floatgen demonstrator project with Ideol platform
IOWTC 2018Study of viscous effects on wave drift forces on a rectangular pontoon with a damping plate by using cfd code openfoam
OMAE 2018Multibody Modelling of Floating Offshore Wind Turbine Foundation for Global Loads Analysis
ISOPE 2016Initial comparison of concrete and steel hulls in the case of Ideol’s square ring floating substructure
WWEC 2016Design study and full scale MBS-CFD simulation of the IDEOL floating offshore wind turbine foundation
TORQUE 2016A robust concrete floating wind turbine foundation for worldwide applications
GRAND RENEWABLE ENERGY 2014For more information, don't hesistate to contact us.